Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tech Toys

December's session was a "technology bazaar" featuring SMU community members and their favorite new tech toys. Folks brought in the Droid2 and the DroidX, iPads and Pods, Kindles, the Pulse Smartpen, and even the new XBox Kinect. Visitors had an opportunity to try things out while munching on Christmas goodies.

Here are some links to information about these toys:
Gifting of Kindle e-books
LCD vs e-ink
Projector-equipped Android
iPad Pilots in Higher Ed
iPhone4 and Mobile Video Conferencing
Livescribe Pulse Smartpen
Multi-tasking, Wireless Printing come to iPad
E-book study
Xbox trailer
Harmony Remote Site
Projector Reviews

Tegrity Session

The November session featured a dynamic panel of students and faculty who shared their experiences with Tegrity. Panel members were asked to respond to questions about how they learned to use Tegrity, what they were using it for now, and what benefits they experienced as a result of their use.

Faculty comments included:
". . . my evaluations have improved in those courses that I've used Tegrity in."
"I spend less time outside of class explaining things that I explained in class."

A student commented that he started using Tegrity because "I am not a note taker. I love being able to engage in class, ask questions all the time, and I am not the fastest writer."

Missed the session? Watch it here

Monday, December 6, 2010

Copyright Presentation

Nancy Simms, a lawyer/librarian from the University of Minnesota who specializes in copyright law, gave a lucid and relevant lecture on some of the copyright issues facing academics today.

Missed the program? View it in Tegrity